Weed / Rubbish Control Title 9

The wildfire season is rapidly approaching! With temperatures on the rise, brush and grasses are quickly drying out, steadily increasing the danger of wildfire. The Stanislaus Consolidated Fire Protection District is reminding property owners of local hazard abatement requirements for the protection of lives and property. Prevention is key! Make appropriate preparations today to help save and protect property from wildfire tomorrow! The Stanislaus Consolidated Fire Protection District will continue to actively ENFORCE all of its fire prevention codes relative to brush clearance and wild vegetative management. We appreciate your abating any hazardous conditions on your property within Seven ( 7 ) days of receipt of a notice in the unincorporated County and the City Limits of Waterford; and within Ten (10) days in the City Limits of Riverbank. We hope you will find this information to be useful and informative. If we can provide you with any additional service, please call us.
Weed Control RegulationsStanislaus County Code- Title 9 Health & SafetyHazard Weed Complaint Form